Dashboard Update - Solar Analytics helps you understand your Energy Costs

If you asked me exactly how much I’m paying for electricity every day, I would struggle to tell you. I’m not alone; it’s unusual to find someone who does. But knowing how much you are spending, how your electricity bill is broken down, and being able to anticipate your next bill is empowering and enlightening information that can help you to make important decisions to help you save money.

For this reason, we have invested time to update the Solar Analytics Energy Plans and Savings pages, to make it even easier for you to understand your energy costs, and anticipate and compare your electricity bill. Until now, you have been able to use your Solar Analytics Dashboard and your electricity bill, to compare your solar production, electricity usage, self-consumption and electricity export to the grid in kilowatt-hours and dollars spent. We’ve now introduced more detail and more clarity to improve your understanding of and engagement with your energy.

The My Tariff page on your Dashboard is evolving to a new Energy Plans section and now allows you to clearly see current and previous energy plans. There are new options to include your static Daily Supply Charge from your electricity company, as well as add more detail about your Time-of-Use tariffs, such as specific time periods, how public holidays are treated, and calculation of GST.

Solar Analytics energy plans page
Part of the Energy Plans page on the Solar Analytics Dashboard

The Savings page now reflects your more detailed energy plan information, and you can now see total Energy Costs broken down by time periods, revenue from solar export, and an optional inclusion of your Daily Supply Charge. The Energy Costs total dollar figure will closely match the total figure on your electricity bill, allowing you to easily compare actual electricity bill amounts. Even before your bill arrives, you can see exactly how much you have spent to date, and view your past expenses with different electricity plans.

Solar Analytics Savings page
Part of the Savings page on the Solar Analytics Dashboard

Some of our customers have additional electricity charges, such as controlled loads, demand charges, and stepped tariffs, and these will also be considered for future updates. We encourage you to contact us and let us know if you have specific needs that we can address.

This feature provides a great deal of relief and empowerment for solar owners that want to understand more about how much they are spending on electricity, compare their bill, and learn more about different types of energy plans, how they use energy and the costs associated with it.

Solar Analytics
We are Australian Photovoltaic Engineers, Software Developers, Scientists, Solar Technicians and Designers, all passionate about sustainable energy and the power of solar.
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