About Solar Analytics

At Solar Analytics, we believe in a world powered by sustainable, abundant and affordable energy.
We believe the prosperity of our world depends on realising this vision, and that maximising rooftop solar is the fastest and lowest cost way to help achieve this vision.
Solar Analytics designs, develops and supplies smart solar software solutions that deliver more value from rooftop solar systems. We are committed to helping households, businesses and solar retailers get more from rooftop solar.
Solar Analytics Co-founders
Co-founders Stefan Jarnason, Valantis Vais, Dr Renate Egan and Dr John Laird
Our mission is to power the world with rooftop solar.

We are an Australian company founded in 2013 by passionate solar experts, and are now Australia’s leading solar software company.

Our team of dedicated professionals is made up of solar industry pioneers, Photovoltaic Engineers, PhDs, MBAs, Software Developers, Data Scientists, Designers, Solar Technicians and more. Together we can have more than 100 years of solar experience.

We also celebrate the diversity of our staff by representing over 15 different countries!

We are committed to meeting the highest standards of company performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose. Our mission is to cover the rooftops of the world with solar to provide everyone with energy control and freedom.

Solar Analytics has won numerous awards including Best For The World for Environment category; Smart Cities for Best Residential Innovation; Clean Energy Council for Outstanding Contribution to the Industry; Green Globe Awards finalist for Innovation; and Australian Growth Company Awards for Sustainability and Cleantech.